Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Old Challenge Characters

 This page will depict the different main characters throughout the generations. This will be organized by generation, though will also see their ranking. The profile for the Kings & Queens will also be kept here since the King's traits affect how my game must be played.

Generation One

Rebecca Du Casse
Brave, Night Owl, Bookworm, Loves the Heat, Angler

Rebecca was once engaged to the King of the Land but a terrible plot from her older sister ensured that she was cast from the throne and into the dungeon. Only by the kindness of the Captain of the Guards did she escape with her life only to find she was a fugitive in the land. She dreams of her revenge by taking the throne for her own children or grand-children. She is a kind woman but can be easily angered by small things.

William Silverthorn
Good, Gather, Loves the Heat, Athletic, Angler

William had grown up with Derick, the current King, and they had been good friends throughout their childhood. When Derick was offered one of the Du Casse daughters as his bride, William secretly had hoped Derick would choose the older one but his hopes were unfounded and Derick was engaged to Rebecca Du Casse. When William heard of her supposed "betrayal" and her sentence, he gave up his cushioned life in order to save her's. Despite what many may think of him, he is a loyal man but he will always question those he follows to ensure he does not do more harm than good. 

His Royal Highness King Derick Royal
Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth Royal
Loves to Swim, Dramatic, Family Oriented, Party Animal, Perceptive

Generation Two

Claire Silverthorn

Claire is the only surviving child of Rebecca and William. She cannot remember the fear that her parents lived in, but she has plenty of her own. Winter has always  been her enemy. But when a strange young man arrives in town and begins to change her way of life, he may just change her views on winter - and what happened to her family and the life she once knew.

Song Silverthorn

Song came to town to escape his own past. A runaway with no last name, he eventually meets up with Claire and has a life changing moment. The two decide to work together instead of against each other. He eventually, falls in love with her. He refuses to talk about his own past, but he has been insistent in digging up Claire's; especially the answer to the question of why she hates winter so much.

His Royal Highness King Abner Royal
Her Royal Highness Queen Catherine Royal
Easily Impressed, Childish, Athletic, Loner, Green Thumb

Old Challenge Chapters

 The chapters will be separated by what ranking they are, not generation. This is the first challenge, which was lost when I suffered a hard drive crash. I can't bear to be rid of them though and they will remain here if you'd like to read them.
