Friday, March 11, 2016

III.II Special Indeed

Life was good. Claire enjoyed tending the plants. Spring has come in full and the garden needed almost constant tending. She didn't mind though, it gave her a reason to be outside.

Song seemed to enjoy his work as well. He made the beds, cleaned and did general maintenance. Claire tended the garden, cooked all the meals and when the Queen gave birth, she would tend to the child.

But it was the evening when Claire discovered that she was expecting as well. She was overjoyed, as she had wanted a child for some time now. She knew that she and Song had been waiting until they could purchase their farm...but here was as close as they might get to that.

That same night, the Princess aged up alone in her room. She had decided she did not want a party, as she was a Loner and preferred not to have crowds around her.

She grew up beautifully. She looked very much like her grandfather, the former King. Her traits were not very comely of a Princess though and the King and Queen hoped that they might have a son. It was very clear that their daughter did not want the throne. She was hoping for a brother as well.

The months went by and the Queen's stomach grew. She began to be irritable as her time progressed. She was not usually so rash, but with her back always aching, her ankles and stomach swelling, she was often not in the best of moods.

Song was overjoyed about the child that Claire was carrying. Her pregnancy was much easier on her than the Queen's. Song would always stop her at the end of the day to remind her how beautiful she was and how much he loved her.

"Hello, my beautiful little one! I'm your papa!" He would say to her stomach and Claire would always laugh.

"I can feel him kicking. I think he likes your voice." She hoped for a son, while Song was hoping for a daughter.

"She'll be beautiful like her mama" She could only roll her eyes at him. Sometimes he would joke and say they'd both get their wish in the form of twins. She certainly hoped not. They were much too far from the healers for her to make her way there when she went into labor.

"And don't worry Claire, when she's born, we can always have another and get that son you want as well" Song said, placing a hand under her chin. She felt her cheeks turn red, giddy that her husband could make her still feel this way.

"Maybe. We still have to tend to the castle after all" She smiled at him.

"We will, with a few little ones running at our feet"

That night before dinner, the Queen went into labor.

Much to the general panic of her family. She was quickly taken to the nursery to give birth. They were too far from the healers and she would have to give birth at home. It was not a hard labor though, and that was something to be thankful for.

She gave birth to a son, the Crowned Prince Charles. He was precious and there was something...special about him.

Something very special indeed...

After dinner, King Abner made a toast to his newly born son. Everyone could feel the Princess' relief at no longer being the Crowned Child.

Claire tended to Prince Charles, snuggling him close and giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek. He was so sweet and precious. Claire was excited for the birth of her own child. Her stomach was heavily swelled and it would be long until she gave birth to a sweet baby of her own.


Okay so, Prince Charles is a Faery. I'll freely admit that. I have a mod in my game that when a human sim gives birth during a full moon, there's a random chance they'll become a random supernatural creature. So...Prince Charles is a Faery and I have no intention of changing it. Its a random occurrence and I think it adds flavor to the game. Also, I have some bad CC in my game that I just can't seem to get rid of thats making the babies have that weird skin pattern. Its very annoying, and I've tried fixing it but I just can't seem to.

And on a final note, I'm REALLY bad at keeping track of the points that they earned. So, I have no idea how long they'll be in the castle honestly. When I'm caught up on pictures, I'll at least share how many points I think they have...But I might be wrong...

Anyway, thank you for reading :)


  1. I agree about your full moon baby fairy mod. It does sound interesting.
    On the points tallying issue, I haven't tried this phase of the challenge yet. If you have any suggestions on how it would be made easier, I'd appreciate it.

    1. The only problem I foresee is Charles living...forever. Since Faeries have 5 times the lifespan of regular sims. oh well!
      I don't have any suggestions yet, for as far as I'm concerned, it seems to work well. I just forget to write down my points as I'm going. If I do get any ideas, I'll let you know though!
